
TIB index, Contact us - kwister.net

Current Time (NZ)
20 May 2024
If you have comments or improvements to the directory, please email us at: tib (at) kwister (dot) com

When asked for a reference, an example of this is shown as: Vol:2023-35 Issue:001_(002). Each article number(002) is unique and can be independently indexed.
Please also include the article title, as we sometimes re-number the articles if we insert, delete or move articles into the correct order as per the PDF of the TIB's.

Some topics are:

New category
Please add or remove category (category name, category name 2 etc)

Title: Title of article
Reference: article reference number
Reason: brief reason for your request.

Use this to add/remove categories to and existing article to enable better searching of articles.

Insert new article
Please add a new article after the following article:

Title: Title of existing article
Reference: article reference number

Title: Title of new article
Description: a quick description if you want to provide one.
Categories: one or more suggested categories for new article.

Use this if we have missed an entire article or topic, or if there is a large topic which has potential sub-topics that can be indexed independently.

Contact us 

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